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Knowledge Uncategorized

Reflection 11/12/21

I learned about globalization in high school, but never about the different types. Our class discussion and lectures on this topic helped me better understand the ways in which our modern, interconnected world functions. Economic globalization, political globalization, and cultural globalization all fall under the umbrella of the globalization that we refer to when we …


Reflection (11/5/21)

This week’s activity on peer reviewing each other’s reflections brought me back to our initial activity on reflective writing. It was very interesting to see what other people came up with for their posts and especially to consider how two people who participated in the same class activity can take their reflections in such different …


Reflection 10/29/21

Ever since reading the article about the Disney linguistic profiling study, I haven’t been able to get it out of my mind. So much of my childhood centered around the Disney princesses, and I watched each movie over and over again for at least the first ten years of my life. It’s interesting to think …


Story Circles Reflection (10/17/21)

I didn’t know what to expect before the Story Circles activity began. I felt ambivalent about joining a Zoom in the middle of my Sunday afternoon, and I was nervous about talking to people I didn’t know. However, the activity exceeded expectations and made me glad that I got over my nerves enough to participate. …


Reflection (10/15/21)

Our class discussion about multicultural education versus intercultural education made me reflect a lot about how my high school handled these two topics. We had a culture fair every year as an opportunity for people to share food and customs from their individual cultures with the larger school community. I wonder now, though, if this …


Reflection (10/8/21)

For my reflection this week, I wanted to dwell a bit more on the ideas we discussed in class on Friday relating to culture and language. I am particularly interested in linguistic relativity and the idea of how language shapes culture and vice versa. In my eyes, it’s both, since culture can shape language (such …


Revised Reflection (10/1/21)

Please reflect on today’s class and reading with: a) a statement of observations I found it particularly interesting how the scenarios we analyzed for the critical incidents were so open to interpretation. I think this helps explain culture itself, as everyone in my group interpreted each scene slightly differently, just as people in real life …


Reflection (9/24/21)

Please reflect on today’s class and reading with: a) a statement of observations I found it particularly interesting how the scenarios we analyzed for the critical incidents were so open to interpretation. I think this helps explain culture itself, as everyone in my group interpreted each scene slightly differently, just as people in real life …
